Gives you a lot of scope for creativity If you do not have access to this function, you can create mailboxes in several popular email services (such as WP, Onet or Gmail) and check the correct display manually. 12. Avoid elements that may cause the message to be treated as spam. There is a lot of it, so it is worth using the so-called function. spam tests (you’ll find them in some popular email marketing tools). 13. Remember alts. These are short texts that will appear under images that the recipient will not display after opening the message. All you need to do is include at least a short: “Download the images to see what we have for you!” 14. Plan your typography display. If you only use standard fonts, such as Arial or Tahoma, you can rest easy.
Make sure that all call to action
However, if you want to use non-standard (so-called webfonts), keep in mind that not every email program will display them correctly. Be prepared for Vietnam Email List this eventuality (your coder will know what to do). Pod Pierzyną – fragment of the newsletter 15. Always test before actual shipping. Never trust anyone (not even yourself) that everything works as it should (that URLs lead to where they should; that graphics display correctly, etc.). Check it out for yourself. 16. Make sure the newsletter displays correctly on mobile devices. Primarily on smartphones, on which we open e-mails (including newsletters) more and more often every year.
Contrast with the background and contain
This tip becomes more and more important BJB Directory over time! 17. Post a link to preview in your browser. If for any reason your message does not display correctly, allow the recipient to view it properly in their browser. All you need is a short link at the top of the message. 18. Include a link to the newsletter unsubscription. Don’t force anyone to receive your newsletters – this may backfire. Moreover, by hiding the possibility of withdrawal, you are acting against the regulations. (We write about how to solve the issue of unsubscribing from the newsletter in the article “”.) 19. Maintain consistency between the newsletter and the website. Make your message look like it was sent by your company at first glance.