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Over the years, important changes have occurred in the evolution of buyer behavior in Mexico, affecting the shopping experience in physical establishments and digital platforms. All this translates into digital transformation and customer demands regarding products, services, brands, etc. ImagenBlog-Inbound Marketing today Currently, digital marketing experts know and bet on Inbound Marketing, due to the effectiveness of results in converting prospects to customers. Due to the above, there are more agencies in Mexico that offer their clients great growth and return on investment with the planning and execution of strategies that allow them to achieve the established objectives. Mexico is one of the emerging countries in terms of technology and is rapidly affecting consumer purchasing patterns.

What can we do to solve the above?

Inbound Marketing is not new in the world, but it is in Mexico, because there are many agencies that offer the service, but few understand the methodology and guarantee the return on investment for the peace of mind and satisfaction of their clients. Attracting Country Email List potential customers in Mexico is not easy, companies have to provide information of interest through different ways and tools (blog, social networks, videos, landing pages, email, etc.), to generate brand interest and interest in the products. or services offered. The problem is that users and prospects are wary of sharing their personal data to obtain the information that companies can offer them through the Inbound Marketing methodology. The great advantage that Inbound Marketing has over other strategies and philosophies in digital .

All this with the help of Inbound Marketing

Marketing is the generation of trust and credibility in prospects and users because it does not focus directly on the sale, but on providing valuable information so that they can consider the company as an opinion leader. This methodology not only represents BJB Directory the way in which consumers buy, but it also shows us the decision process and the way in which each stage is developed, from identifying the need to the acquisition of a service or product. The purchasing path in Mexico has a lot to do with current events and the way we navigate the Internet to research what we want to buy, but beyond that, it also has to do with the way in which companies deliver content from the pleasing to the user at the ideal moment, whether informative or promotional.

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And that is the most difficult part of branding

Creating brands that excite and reach the hearts of consumers. What benefits does branding have for your winery and your wines? A strong brand may be the only way  to differentiation in a sector where all products, wines, are “similar”, except for the region and grape variety. 2GO DIRECTLY TO THE HEART OF YOUR CONSUMER Only with a strong brand And that is the most difficult part of branding can you get the consumer to buy and order your wines because they have a special bond with them and with your winery through your brand. And what will happen when the consumer orders your brand of wine instead of just any wine? Your winery will stand out and become much stronger in front of the distribution channel.

Restaurants and stores will want to have your brand of

Wine since consumers ask for it and distributors will knock on your door, which will allow you to choose the best, in And that is the most difficult part of branding addition to being able to mark and demand conditions to work with them. Can you imagine the impact all this would have on your sales? 3ATTRACT YOUNGER CONSUMERS The younger the consumer is, the more accustomed they are to brands and the more Country Email List comfortable they with which they have a bond. Therefore, through a well-built and positioned brand, you will be able to better reach the young audience, people under years old, who now consume little wine and would consume more if there were brands that are closer to their lifestyle and provide them with consumption experiences.

The consumer will be willing to pay more for your .

wines and for that brand with which they have an emotional bond that provides them with confidence, security and a pleasant and unique experience. And therefore, the distributor will also pay more for your wines. So, the average prices at which you sell your wines will rise, you will obtain BJB Directory more margin and profitability for each bottle. But you And that is the most difficult part of branding will also reduce your commercial costs because you will not have to spend so much time negotiating your prices and convincing your distributors of the advantages of buying your wines and offering them to their customers over wines from other wineries.