Country Email List

There are so many factors that

There are so many factors that This is, of course, a noble concept. But you must remember that preparing responsive newsletters is clearly more time-consuming. Which in turn means that if we decide on this solution. We will lead to an increase in e-mail marketing expenses. Which will not necessarily go hand in hand with an increase in revenues. An interesting study was conducted by Litmus and Salesforce . It shows that currently as many as 77% of companies operating. The B2C industry use a mobile-friendly design in their newsletters. This is as much as 21 percentage points more than in the corresponding survey conducted last year.

We have already come across a lot of theories

However, this increase is not the result of the Dominican Republic Email List introduction of responsive design, but only the adaptation of the appearance of messages to tablets and – above all – smartphones, which does not require additional expenditure on coding mailings (what exactly this adaptation involves, I write a little below). It is true that Litmus and Salesforce conducted their research in the United States, but since such a move is decided by companies operating on a much more mature and richer market, Polish companies should pay more attention to this issue. Let’s look at other data from the Litmus and Salesforce study.

While conducting activities for our clients

We learn from it that: in 2015, as many as 43% of companies designed newsletters primarily for desktop computers, enterprises, when creating mailings, took into account how they would be displayed on mobile devices, and in 2016 already  of companies used BJB Directory responsive design in their newsletters partially (in the header, navigation bar, bottom menu with product categories and in the footer) companies used responsive design in designing newsletters. The above statistics show that while e-mail marketers’ awareness of adapting newsletters to mobile devices is constantly growing, responsive design itself is not gaining popularity. So how do you design good newsletters? If we want them to look good on screens of different sizes.

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