If your main problem is to keep your students attention during your online live sessions, you’re not alone. Most online instructors struggle in keeping their students engaged. Here are the 9 leading student engagement platforms to help you deal with it. Increasing student engagement is a challenge that’s not fading away either in traditional classroom settings or in online learning. Too many distractions and challenges take away students’ focus and motivation. Yet, it’s hard to solve this alone as an online instructor who’s facilitating a large group of students. That’s the reason why hundreds of tools, apps, and platforms are unfolding in the market, to help online instructors in keeping their students engaged. But as an online instructor, it’s tough to choose the best student engagement platform that fits your needs. So let me show you the leading platforms in the market to save you time in finding the best ones. Before that, let me walk you through the benefits of student engagement platforms and strategies that you can use to increase learner engagement.

What are Student Engagement

Student engagement platforms are a collection of tools to help online instructors, trainers, and course cre Telegraph Number Data ators to capture students’ inputs and track their performance with the given data. Through these platforms, online instructors can automate other tasks and focus on developing personalized learning experiences for their students. An example of this is—instead of manually creating a boring quiz, you can gamify it and make it fun using Kahoot! or Quizizz in just minutes!

Student Engagement Strategies

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1. Gamification Gamifying your course, workshops, or live sessions can boost student engag BJB Directory ement. This is absolutely a game changer in making your students highly engaged. There are tons of tools to help you gamify your lessons which I stated below. 2. Stories and Metaphors. Using stories and metaphors in your lessons can increase student retention and make learning interesting. Humans are wired to learn from stories because it depicts emotions and they are more relatable than just mere facts. So if you can tell stories than just stating facts, the better. 3. Group work. Integrate group work and break out sessions to increase engagement. There are many advantages of group work such as creating camaraderie, becoming a team player, and improving listening skills among students. 4. Reflection. Self-reflection and team reflection can enhance engagement and knowledge retention. Choose a platform like Teachfloor that allows you to facilitate reflections among your students through peer review and instructor review features.