Title inspired by Paweł Tkaczyk’s presentation “Stories told by client service. And the stories that are told about them”, presented during the Marketing Academy on November 8, 2017. (1) Data on the number of inquiries come from Jan Zając’s presentation “Customer service in social media: how to increase customer satisfaction by analyzing the behavior of your online community?”, presented during the Marketing Academy on November 8, 2017. (2) Data comes from Anna Ledwoń’s text “Social Media Care – how important is customer service in social media”, source: :nowymarketingl/a/14856,social-media-care-jak-wazna-jest- customer-service-in-social-media?_r=1 (3) Examples come from Mikołaj Winkiel’s presentation, source: slideshare/HexPL/pipelinesummit2015-mikoaj-brand24 (4) Data comes from Jan Zając’s presentation “Customer service in social media.
How to increase customer satisfaction
Analyzing the behavior of your online community?”, presented during the Marketing Academy on November 8, 2017. (5) Data comes from Jan Zając’s presentation “Customer service in social media: how to increase customer satisfaction by analyzing the behavior of your online community?”, presented during the Marketing Academy on Latest Mailing Databaset November 8, 2017. Nothing improves the operation of the store as much as knowing what is actually being sold in it. Therefore, enabling e-commerce conversion is essential.. How to use it for configuration and is it difficult? No, but requires help from a developer or webmaster.
How much of this and that is being sold
In order to track transactions in Google Analytics, you need to set up e-commerce in this tool. Log in to GA and select E-commerce Settings in the View. Then enable Status and Enable related services. If you want to accurately track your customers’ purchase path, you should enable enhanced e-commerce and possibly set funnel steps. However, this is BJB Directory an optional step and is not necessary for transactions to appear in GA. It won’t work without dataLayer Now comes the dark moment when a programmer will be needed to add the right code to the page. In this step, it is important that the code is not just anywhere on the page, but exactly before the GTM code. Otherwise, the data, if sent to GA, will not be accurate.