All you really need is a good idea and a smartphone camera to create For many stores and brands. This is a key moment of the year that may determine their annual sales results. It is therefore worth having a strategy prepared that can increase our chances of acquiring a potential customer. And, most importantly, keeping him. Many things help in such a situation, and it’s not just about effective email marketing . The statistics from recent years are impressive. Online sales on Black Friday increased to billion globally . This is an increase of 3.5 percentage points. Compared year to year. Black Friday and marketing – these are the things you need to remember.

Use the services of a graffiti artist who will put a catchy

I don’t think anyone needs to be convinced that Black USA Email List Friday is a period (not just a day anymore, because the “holiday” has become significantly longer, including Monday’s Cyber ​​Monday) for which every online store must prepare very thoroughly to maximize its potential. An effective newsletter or a large-scale marketing campaign are empty phrases until we delve deeper into the topic and find real meaning in it. So what should you do? An email marketing agency will undoubtedly help with this , but if you want to know why, let’s start at the beginning… Get to know your target group You may be well aware of this, but it’s worth repeating – the basis of success in marketing, especially during such a competitive period as Black Friday, is understanding your target group.

You can also make similar drawings on sidewalks using colored pencils

Knowing what customers are looking for and what BJB Directory their expectations are will allow you to send them the right message and offer. Analyze customer needs and behavior during Black Friday The Black Friday period is not only a shopping madness, but above all a time when customers are more open to new offers and willingly take advantage of promotions. It is worth analyzing which products were most popular in previous years, what were the purchasing trends and which customer segments were the most active. Analytical tools and data from previous years can provide valuable insight into what customers really want. It is also worth monitoring discussions on social media and online forums to find out what the current expectations and needs of customers are.