We have been cooperating with the MSM Mońki brand for over 10 years. During this period, one of the fixe points of our activities is the implementation of photo sessions. Culinary photography is an important element of the strategy of Spółdzielnia Mleczarska. Many years of experience and gaining knowlege allow us to get attractive shots every time. Both Mońka’s MSM products and the dishes which are an important ingreient. Here’s what a professional culinary photo session require. About the MSM Mońki brand Moniecka Spółdzielnia Mleczarska in Mońki is one of the most modern dairy plants in Poland.

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It was establishe on May 1, 1972 from the merger of the District Dairy Cooperative in Dolistów and the District Dairy Cooperative in Krypno. MSM Mońki specializes in the production of Dutch and Swiss-type ripening cheeses, extra butter and powdere database products: powdere whey and periodically skimme milk powder. The representatives of the brand emphasize that their mission is to ensure that the connoisseur can pick up the subtle differences between the individual types of cheese with the first bite. Each recipe, thanks to refinement and precision, can meet the expectations of the most demanding consumers.


A Group Of People Or Representative

Those who are looking for original, intense flavors that stand out against.  The background of products devoid of a note of uniqueness. At the same time, at every step in communication, a strong attachment to the tradition and origin of the brand is BJB Directory noticeable, which is expresse, among others, in the through a catchy claim: “Tradition of taste from the Biebrza valley”. Do you want the photos to reflect the real qualities of your products? We provide only such effects. Enter your e-mail, we will contact you Community Challenges The agency was responsible for preparing the concept of the photo session referring to a specific topic. This time it was a culinary photo session concerning Easter and spring dishes.