The matter seems extremely simple Defeat. The Drama At Work Each episode of Defeat The Drama At Work focuses on creative ways you can keep yourself. And others focused and motivated at work. This is a perfect listen if you are in a leadership role or work across a variety of different teams. You’ll get tips on how to problem-solve efficiently and how to ensure. That everyone is producing and delivering high-quality work. Ahh, summer is almost here. Beach days, barbecues, bonfires, air conditioning, and oh yeah – work. While the summer months can bring about some of our favorite seasonally-focused activities. It also brings noticeable changes in the workplace and the way we work. For instance, studies have shown that when the summer season arrives, productivity in the workplace. Plummets by 20%, and distractions skyrocket by 45%. So that drowsy 3 pm feeling at work can actually feel even drowsier and slower throughout the summer.

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Whether it’s the heat or the desire Denmark Cell Phone Number List to be outdoors, don’t let the summer stop you from meeting your tasks and goals. We’re offering some of our top tips on how you can stay focused, productive, and motivated at work even when you would rather be on vacation. Subscribe banner Stay connected with BlockSite Get productivity tips and company updates. Subscribe How to stay focused at work While there are a lot of ways you can manage your time and track your productivity, there are also a few things your employer can do to help increase motivation and in turn, overall productivity. For example, simply adjusting the temperature of the air conditioner can have a huge impact on workplace performance during the summer.

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A survey found that 50% of offices are BJB Directory considered to be too hot and that employees spend almost 8.5 minutes per day adjusting the office temperature. Understanding what type of temperature helps your employees feel comfortable can be the difference between a good work day and a great work day. As we all learned during the pandemic, flexibility in the workplace is key. The introduction of Summer Fridays in the workplace in the 60s, which provides employees the opportunity to work half-days or take Fridays off.