Self-promotion can work when you are seen as trustworthy and reputable, when your content is quality and creates high trust. It is customers who will advertise your content with forms of sharing. Introducing, commenting. Remember that web readers are very sensitive to brands trying to promote a product or something to sell or endorse a product. You can also enhance your credibility in a variety of ways such as qualifying. Your experience or expertise. linking up with industry experts so your readers have more resources to check out and use. Attribution phrases whenever possible. Create useful content Useful content is a must, your readers or visitors won’t spend time reading a bunch of random content that makes no sense relative to their search goals. It must also be unique.

Steps to perform Content Audit for success

Before discussing content audit, I should briefly discuss the prerequisite of content audit which is content inventory. Content inventory is the result and process of creating a comprehensive list of all the content within a website. All assets on the site Phone Number Data  regardless of their use must be taken into account and also where they may be located.  A content inventory of all your website content will help you decide what type of analytics you need for your website content audit. If you don’t know what type of content is on your website, it’s impossible to know what to measure. For example, if a website contains embedded videos, some great analytics data can be retrieved from third-party video sites like YouTube and Vimeo.

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Content inventory is also useful when a website is redesigned or moved to another domain. This a site is going to be moved, a content inventory BJB Directory can be very handy when things don’t go as planned. It will give you a basis to compare the live site and the new development site. Without this, it will be impossible to know if you have completed a move successfully. Content inventory can help organize a website so that a similar navigation system can be implemented. Asset inventory is also useful for tracking data transfers from one system to another. If your migration is not successful, this could have a disastrous effect on your search engine rankings.