Content management try to be aware of the time you spend on your phone each day and learn. The best tips to limit your usage to protect your mental health. Physical Health Excessive phone time can impact your physical health in various ways. When you are spending 4 plus hours on your phone everyday. You’re being taken away from possible physical activities that keep us healthy and in shape. There’s much evidence suggesting that being on your phone too much can lead to weight gain and poor fitness ability. Healthy Day found that students who spend many more hours per day staring at a screen are substantially less fit. Than students who spend a limited amount of time on their phone. There’s also a connection between too much phone use and wrist pain and nerve damage.

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Wexner Medical Center found that individuals  Hong Kong Phone Numbers List  with preexisting nerve damage in their arms or hands can enhance their neurological issues by holding a phone too much. There’s a recent term that has been coined to describe hand and wrist pain from excessive phone usage – the text claw. The text claw is another type of physical health problem that results from being on your phone too much. Lastly, another physical health issue that comes from phones is harm to your eyesight. The blue light from your phone screen can cause damage to your retina which is arguably the most important part of your eye because it plays the main part in allowing you to see.

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The more and more time you spend staring at BJB Directory  a phone screen, the more chances you have of getting a physical health problem that can last for the rest of your life. The best thing you can do to avoid this is be aware of your phone usage and learn the best tips and tricks to spend less time on your phone. – Daily Life In addition to mental and physical health issues, excessive screen time interferes with aspects of your daily life such as harm to your personal relationships, feelings of isolation and insecurity, and poor school and work performance.