The system notifications to both the seller and the buyer to share invoice data with them. Using the system, it is also possible to save, review and print invoice data. Requir documents and papers A copy of the company’s tax card A copy of the company registration application. Authorization it must have a valid bank signature in the event that the company’s tax card is not in the name of the company’s authoriz representative . Including the following data.
The company’s tax registration
Number And the company’s email. And the company’s phone mobile number. The name of the company commissioner is in Arabic and Iran Telegram Data English. And his national number. And the email of the company commissioner A copy of the national ID number of the company commissioner A copy of the valueadd tax registration certificate. Company registration number Company email Telephone number company mobile Name of the company commissioner in Arabic and English.
Original national ID number
The commissioner Commissioner’s mobile number Commissioner’s email A copy of the commercial register and tax card. The electronic signature Singapore Email List certificate in the application contract is sign by the official in accordance with what is stat in the commercial registry or the authoriz person, and it must have a “validity of signature” from the bank. The signature must be identical. A copy of the commercial registry, the establishment and announcement decision, a copy of the tax card, a copy of the companies newspaper or company contract, and a copy of proof of identity national number or passport.