The Port of Barcelona has consolidated its leadership as the first port in the State in exports and imports of transported vehicles, with a total of 504,015 units in, followed by Vigo, with 444,442, and Valencia, with 411,608 vehicles. According to data from the maritime-port logistics sector report prepared by the automobile manufacturers’ association Anfac, maritime transport is the most used by its partners, with an increase of 9.2% compared to the previous year, reaching a volume of 2. 2 million vehicles, which allows us to recover the growth path after three years of continuous declines.

Brands Have Been Those Related

The association attributes this improvement to car production in 2022 (+5.8%), which has favored export flows. Thus, maritime transport is the most used by the association’s members, with 48.4% of the intermodal share, while rail accounts for 12.1% and road transport stands at 39.5%. . BARCELONA, EXPORTING POWER In the more WhatsApp Number Database detailed analysis of the ports, which examines the eight main ones for the import and export of vehicles based on the opinions of the associates, it is highlighted that the Port of Barcelona continues to be configured as a “great export power”, while represent 67.6%, 9.9 points more than the previous year.

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The Aspects Best Valued by the Car

The combination of ship-rail has allowed it to move towards a more sustainable intermodality. A portion of the cars that enter or leave the port BJB Directory do so by train. Of the total number of vehicles, 45.7% do so by rail. A percentage that rises to 59% if they are for export. In this sense, the Port of Barcelona has a major project underway. For the construction of the new Southern railway accesses. Which will enhance the connection. Of the port with the Mediterranean Corridor. The new rail and road accesses are a highly complex work that is strategic for this enclave and is expected to be a reality in.