Never buy address databases Product assignment . After creating categories, assign appropriate products to them. This makes it easier for customers to find the articles they are interested in. Setting up payment methods The next important step in creating an online store is setting up payment methods. This is a key aspect that can significantly impact user experience and conversion in your store. It is important to offer a variety of secure payment methods that are tailored to your customers’ needs. Choosing payment providers . Decide which payment methods you want to offer in your store. Popular options include card payment, bank transfer, cash on delivery and payment systems such as PayPal or PayU. Integration with the platform .

If you use a purchased address database

Most e-commerce platforms offer simple integration Sri Lanka Mobile Number List tools with popular payment providers. Follow your provider’s instructions to configure the appropriate method. Testing . Before launching your store, test all available payment methods to make sure everything works properly and payments are posted correctly. Configuring delivery options Delivery is one of the key elements of online shopping. An efficient and well-planned delivery can build a positive image of the store in the eyes of the customer. How to set up delivery options in your store? Setting available delivery options Variety of options . To meet the expectations of different customers, it is worth offering several delivery options.

Remember that the road to building

The most popular are courier, parcel lockers, personal BJB Directory pickup or express delivery. Pricing . For each delivery method, set a price – this could be a flat fee, free delivery above a certain purchase amount, or a variable fee depending on the weight/scope of the shipment. Estimated delivery time . Let your customers know when they can expect delivery. This time may vary depending on the method chosen. Integration with logistics providers Partner selection . If you plan to use the services of courier companies, find out which of them offer the best terms of cooperation – both in terms of price and logistics. Automation of the process . Some store platforms offer the possibility of integration with logistics suppliers, which allows you to automatically generate waybills, track shipments and optimize delivery costs. Pickup point .