It through search results that the audience will go to your resource and learn about offers. Website promotion in search engines necessary in order to increase its place in the lt of results. Practice shows that most users settle within pages of search dplays. The task of seo specialts to ensure a high ranking in search results thereby increasing the chances of users switching to the resource. Website development and promotion the effectiveness of a website laid down at the stage of its development. Therefore an important place in the overall project given to the competent design and layout of the resource. Website development and promotion are not olat operations.


Th a set of works that includes development of resource structure; interface concept; website design layout layout; filling pages with quality content; seo work optimization . At the end the site releas to hosting where specialts analyze its work and plan promotion. Seo optimization and website promotion the online resource has been creat now mobile app designs service it necessary to announce it to the general public. Th why seo optimization and website promotion are ne . The main task to customize the resource to modern search engine requirements. Th process includes working with the semantic core; planning creating and posting content; adjustment of technical factors of the site.


Resource optimization for search engines. The promotion stage closely relat to work in the social space. For th purpose social networks are us targeting BJB Directory adverting to certain categories of users adverting on other platforms etc. Ways to promote a website the most popular ways to promote a website are smm contextual adverting ; external marketing pr; viral adverting; news aggregators; social mia marketing; email dtribution and others. Depending on the topic of the site specialts select and combine effective marketing methods.