President of Promo Traffic about Google Elevator How does Robert Stolarczyk, CEO of PromoTraffic, evaluate participation in the CEE Elevator program? We are happy that Google, as our key technological and strategic partner, gives us the opportunity to improve our competences thanks to projects such as Google Elevator. It is a program of dedicated support for the best Google partners in the CEE region, which is a continuation of the Agency of Tomorrow project – he explains. As part of it, for the last 6 months we have participated in workshops with the best trainers in the area of ​​agency support, including, for example. Automation, strategy, sales, technology.

As a result of our participation

We have designed key initiatives in the perspective of the coming years, which will actually translate into the effectiveness of the campaigns we implement for clients not only in Poland, but also in the entire CEE region, which has a very large potential – he praises . PromoTraffic is one of 33 agencies from the entire region of Central and database Eastern Europe that took part in the Google Elevator program. Thanks to it, for half a year, under the supervision of experts. We worked intensively on automating, optimizing and scanning processes in the agency. If you want to learn more about the status of a certified Google Partner. Check out the article by Magda , our PPC Team Leader.

The 13th edition of sem KRK could not take


Place any other time than Friday the 13th. Surprisingly, however, no unlucky situations haunted neither the organizers nor the participants. The meeting was attended by representatives of Promo Traffic – not only in the audience, but also on stage. Find BJB Directory out what our Performance Director, Krystian Kucharski, was talking about. 13th edition of barcamp semKRK About 350 people interested in search engine marketing and web analytics attended the Friday meeting . The event was divided into 2 segments: SEO and SEM. During the event, we watched many interesting speeches, filled with specific data and concise case studies.

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