Establishments Generate an Impact of 165 Million on the Gdp in Catalonia

The nightlife sector in Barcelona is one of the key socioeconomic drivers for the city and for all of Catalonia. This is clear from the conclusions of the report ‘Socioeconomic impact of nightlife in Barcelona. Prepared by the consultancy Pricewaterhouse Cooper (PwC) and promoted. By the Catalan Federation of Associations of Restaurant and Musical. Activities (Fecasarm) and the Spain association. Nightlife. The presentation was also attended by the president of the Barceloneta Neighborhood Association. Carmen Piera, an entity with which the Front Marítim Association works to guarantee. Coexistence and security together in the neighborhood.

Third Most Visited Place

The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of the sector from an economic, social and international perspective. To do this, the impact of the establishments that make up the Associació Front Marítim (AFM) was taken as a reference, which allowed this study to be carried out from multiple sources, thanks especially to the international projection of establishments such as Shôko, Opium, Pacha and Carpe Diem. (located in the top 100 of the World’s Best Clubs Buy Phone Number List of the International Nightlife Association), which are one of the great attractions that the city offers for international tourism. The report highlights the important economic impact of these locations, especially in the generation of wealth: in, the activity of the Front Marítim locations generated 165 million euros in terms of the GDP of Catalonia.

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Future of Night Leisure

In the area of ​​contribution to tax collection, these businesses contributed 32.7 million. Another axis analyzed in the PwC report is job creation. In this sense, the impact of the AFM amounted to 3,143 workplaces, both direct, indirect and induced. Thus, for every direct job generated by the activity of the AFM, almost 2 total jobs are generated in Catalonia. In addition, the study also indicates that for every 10,000 international customers who visit Front stores, up to 13 jobs are generated BJB Directory in the Catalan economy. “The AFM companies are, within the nightlife industry, those with the highest turnover and largest workforce in all of Catalonia,” highlights PwC’s Strategy & Economics director, Anna Merino, who led this report.

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