This is the heart of JOBS Worker Service, ready to serve every customer whether you are a company or an individual. If you need foreign workers, you can contact us immediately. Willing to take steps from the first step, such as submitting a Demand Letter and waiting for a response from the destination country. Taking workers for health checks Make all related documents Until the last step before working with the organization. It’s called a genuine all-in-one package. Just hire it once and get great value.When workers come to work according to their schedule. 


Importing foreign workers is legal.

To reduce the difficulties associated with hiring foreign workers The easiest way to solve this problem is Hiring professionals with expertise and expertise in foreign workers to provide assistance. JOBS Worker Service is ready to make hiring foreign workers for every employer easier than before. What kind of labor do you want? You can specify details or inform Phone Number  yourself of your wishes. First of all, we must give a little introduction for JOBS Worker Service, All matters which is a company that imports foreign workers who act legally for customers who are looking for such workers to come to work. They provide One Stop Service, come in one place, complete, no hassle, helping. The search for prospective workers was successful. Outstanding with more than 10 years of specialized experience.

Services related to foreign workers via online

Another service that adds completeness to the JOBS Worker Service is services related to foreign workers through online channels. Just download our application and then you can perform various tasks that the app has developed as appropriate, such as checking your own Jobs number, checking documents. Make transactions easily via mobile BJB Directory phone To meet the needs of the modern world that emphasizes speed. Value that will never disappoint anyone All matters when deciding to use the service. Confirm once again that the work of JOBS Worker Service is transparent and verifiable. Customers will find the right workers under a complete service, renewal, labor import, online services. Or even giving advice about foreign workers is very welcome.