the next step is to apply the knowledge to your website. So, create one. It can be a WordPress website or HTML. If you are choosing WordPress, guess what, another thing will add to your learning list. Do you know that one-third of the world’s websites are built with WordPress? If you want to become an SEO expert, you must know that WordPress is the best CMS for SEO.In contrast, if you’re building an HTML website, learn about tags and their usage. Trust us, there is a lot to learn with HTML. Always remember, when you begin doing things by yourself, you get to improve and upgrade your skills. 

Study Google Analytics & Google Search Console

Once you have learned how to build a website, it is time to know WhatsApp Number List ways to optimize the content and also analyze the progress from time to time. Tools like Google Analytics and Google Search console help make this learning possible. While Google Search Console helps in optimizing your website, Google Analytics measure, analyze, and report the optimization progress. And an SEO expert needs to have a master knowledge of both tools. 

Keep Learning Researching

SEO practices and techniques can change pretty quickly and may result in introducing several updates in a search engine’s algorithms. The best way to keep up-to-date on these upgrades is by regularly following the BJB Directory on their websites and social handles. By social handles, we mean Twitter in particular. This way you can explore more of their knowledge, latest news, opinions, etc. Besides, there are other ways as well in the process of becoming an SEO expert, such as: