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Tools for SEO optimization

Sometimes Google updates its algorithm without warning, which can mean losing all the work you’ve put into a campaign… in a matter of seconds.

Aside from these spontaneous updates, Google does not disclose all the data on how it evaluates websites, determines their ranking, and how they appear on the search engine results page (SERP) for different searches.

Luckily for us there are several search

engine optimization (or SEO) tools that can shed some light on how search engines interpret pages, so we can get closer to what Google prefers and, in this way, improve your ranking and relevance for the keywords you choose.

In this article we will offer you paid options Tools for SEO with free trials, and other free options with paid plans, you should base your decision on your goals.

Google Trends

Before we start with the technical tools, Google Trends is a tool that will be much more useful in the entrepreneurial phase, as it allows you Tools for SEO search for trending topics to find potential opportunities. Trends is not an SEO optimization tool as such, the platforms that we will show below are more specialized for SEO .

What you can find on Google Trends

– Trends : As implied by the name, this tool will provide you with data on those topics that are currently making noise anywhere in the world and, therefore, what searches are being carried out.

– Popular Topics : The tool will show you popular topics and long tail keywords associated with them.

– Comparisons : Allows you to compare trends over different time periods

Google Search Console

The cornerstone of seo and sem for google. Using google search console we can improve our positioning in. The serp in a personalized way for the terms and phrases that you decide.

Google search console is just as useful for people who. Are just starting their seo strategy as it is for people who are already in. The middle of campaigns belgium whatsapp number data since thanks to search console we can perform an initial seo analysis or we can perform an analysis of our current strategy with new keywords.

Google Search Console debugs, monitors and optimizes your website without having to touch a single line of code.

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The last of the Google tools we will discuss in this article, but not the least important. Google Analytics offers a paid version that increases the number of observations it gives you, but by using the free version of the service you can control before you hit the send button perform these 11 checks SEO metrics of your website effectively, especially if we use it in conjunction with Google Search Console , since the tool will centralize and compile your SEO data so that you can perform queries to identify areas of improvement in the keywords and phrases relevant to your website.

Trends  as implied by the name this tool cpa email list will provide you with data. On those topics that are currently making noise. Anywhere in the world and. Therefore what searches are being carried out.

– Popular Topics : The tool will show you Tools for SEO popular topics and long tail keywords associated with them.

– Comparisons : Allows you to compare trends over different time periods

Price : Free

Google Search Console

The cornerstone of seo and sem for google. Using google search console we can improve our positioning. In the serp in a personalized way for the terms and phrases that you decide