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The first method of assessing the effectiveness

The first method of assessing the effectiveness of enterprise sales is carried out if there are statistical data and experience that allow for the correct calculation of planned indicators or standards. These can be both internal standards of the organization and industry indicators.

The second method The first method of assessing the effectiveness

of sales indicators: in which direction (positive or negative)  country email list they change and by how much.

The third method has a fundamental difference from the previous ones, since it takes into account not the average indicators for the period or for the industry, but the best ones. These results are the benchmark that the company strives to achieve.

There are many indicators of the effectiveness of product sales. To understand which of them are best to determine, you need to focus on the company’s goals and what stage of development it is at.

Market entry stage and active growth

The task is to attract clients

At this stage, it is quite difficult to plan indicators, since the manager at this period does not yet have complete information about the market, which makes it difficult to make a reliable forecast of sales levels and seasonal changes.

When motivating employees to “how to increase the flow  grow and develop, it is best for a manager to use the second path and monitor the dynamics of indicators. The main players operating in a fast-growing market are also in a similar situation: if a company grows at the same rate as the market, it maintains its share; if its growth lags behind the market, it loses its position; if it grows faster than the market, its influence expands.

During the period of active growth of the enterprise

it is necessary to pay attention to the following indicators and formulas for assessing sales efficiency:

  1. Number of customer contacts / Number of presentations. Or Productivity = Number of customer contacts / Number of working hours.This indicator should be set to the lowest value below numbers lists  which the sales manager should not fall.

    In this case, working with reports is very important, and the period for submitting them should be short (once every 2-3 days or a week).

After working with over 300 online projects , I can guarantee: monitor these metrics weekly and your company will not only survive, but also increase its profits by 10 times!

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