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Strategies to increase Engagement Growth

Do you know what Engagement Growth is ? Let’s start by explaining that all companies without exception have a common goal : to generate more sales and for this to have constant growth over time . However, a marketing strategy bas solely on growth is an unsafe bet.

Why? Much of the growth is due to new customers, but what about existing users? It is much more expensive to attract new customers than to get a user who is already familiar with your brand to buy again.

Therefore, a comprehensive loyalty-bas marketing strategy is necessary to nurture leads for your site’s entire user database over time.

But what is Engagement Growth?


What is Engagement Growth?
Engagement Growth is a term us to refer to the level of commitment that users have towards a brand. It encompasses loyalty and constant interaction and translates into a lasting and stable bond.

This commitment does not necessarily have to be in terms of sales, it also implies constant recognition, trust, empathy and good communication of the audience towards the brand philosophy or the brand itself.

Value commitment sri lanka email list 668838 contact leads makes your company have valuable growth.

In many cases, users could even become brand ambassadors, fulfilling an important marketing function indirectly, which is positive and welcom by any company.

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Why is it Important?

A marketing strategy bas on customer loyalty becomes sustainable. The goal should be to keep existing global trends on linkin: what’s trending in the world of work? customers and not have to replace them every certain period of time.

An Engagement Growth strategy helps your Strategies to  growth efforts to be more effective. When your audience feels represent by what you do and what you offer them, investing in attracting new users becomes a much easier task.

An effective digital marketing esperanto leads strategy occurs when the nes of your users are taken into account.

In addition, the investment is less expensive, since it increases the possibility that the strategy will reach a satisfi audience and therefore, increases the possibility of successfully optimizing metrics such as the conversion rate or return on investment .