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Speaking of the T-shirt printing business

Mehdi: I believe I learned a lot of lessons from each buy phon number list experience, and Speaking of the T-shirt printing business we are still learning. But from the T-shirt printing business, I think we learned to really move dynamically. It was our first exposure to any type of online business, and most of the sales at the time were through eBay, which was the most dominant third-party platform at the time. This was many years before the peak of Amazon.

So we were selling Speaking of the T-shirt printing business T-shirts

We moved very quickly. If there was some hot topic happening in the political or sports world, we would make those types of T-shirts and learned to be very flexible and adapt to the situation so that we could take advantage  nfts a more stable investment source than cryptocurrencies. is it because of celebrities? of whatever was hot, currently relevant at the time.  obviously now we are dealing with more of a T-shirt printing equipment.

 Now we are dealing with a much Speaking of the T-shirt printing business higher

price point product. This is not a $20 T-shirt. We’re talking about equipment that’s sometimes worth thousands of dollars, and these customers rely on this equipment to really drive their business, so they can’t afford for it to fail or any delays in placing an order. They may need it right away because they have an event to attend or something. For this type of business, I think the biggest takeaway is to alb directory really focus on quality control, especially when you’re selling products that people rely on for their livelihoods. The quality and reliability of whatever you’re selling has to be top-notch.