Pas formula is effective because it makes the reader aware of the gravity of the . Problem they’re facing 5) bab (before – after – bridge) the bab technique is a . Great framework for writing customer testimonials this template aims to inspire the recipient it’s a . “they were able to do this thing so you can do it too” type of . Thing here are the framework’s critical components: – before:the before section describes a scenario before .
The product or service offering
The product or service offering for example telemarketing data you might have had to wait for hours . To catch a bus to town – after:the after section describes the situation once you . Have the solution for example now that you have a car you no longer have . To wait for hours to drive to town – bridge:the bridge is how you get . From the before situation to the after situation essentially it’s the product or service you .
Are selling in this case
Are selling in this case it would be the car of what is mobile application architecture course for this framework . To work you need to make sure your recipient understands your bridge in the first . Place so use clear and concise language check out the sample email above the bridge . Copy is straight to the point but detailed enough for readers to understand it doesn’t . Just mention crunch & fitness in passing it describes what it is and what it .
Does that helped ensure the
Does that helped ensure the “unmotivated central african leads employees” got to the after scenario once you’ve highlighted . Your product or service as the key to your email reader’s “happiness” show them that . Call-to-action that gives them access to this “wonderful product” in closing email marketing can help . You nurture your relationships with consumers so you can ultimately turn them into paying customers . But you still need to know how to do it the right way in other .