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Overview of Application Architectural Patterns

Overview of Application Architectural Patterns In application architecture, layers or architectural patterns play a key role in organizing the work and interaction of different layers of an application. Let’s look at one of the most common patterns.

MVC (Model-View-Controller)

This architectural pattern divides an application into three main components:

Model. This component manages the data and the logic for working with it. The model handles requests for receiving and changing data cell phone number list that come from the controller, and can be similarly relat to the “production” and “warehouse” in a store where all the goods are stor and processed.
View. The view layer is responsible for the visual display of data coming from the model. It interacts with the user by displaying information and collecting user input, passing it to the controller. In the context of a store, the view can be compar to the “showcase” and “sales floor” where customers interact with the products.

The controller acts as an intermediary between the model and the view


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It processes user actions passed from the view and makes decisions about what data to retrieve from the model. The controller is analogous to a store manager who regulates both the arrival of goods on display and the overall operation of the store, without being directly involved in production or warehouse management.
MVP (Model-View-Presenter)

This pattern divides the application into three parts

Ensuring that changes in one part do not affect what is mobile application architecture the others: Model. Manages data and executes all the business logic of the application. It is the fundamental component that processes, stores, and provides data.

Displays the data provided by the presenter and passes user input to the presenter

The view can be compared to a storefront christmas island businesses directory that is not directly involved in production or inventory management.
Overview of Application Architectural Patterns Serves as an intermediary between the model and the view. The presenter handles all user interactions, requests data from the model, and decides how to update the view.