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Javascript and SEO: Learn to Boost Your Site’s

We are sure that you have a pretty clear idea of ​​what SEO positioning is, it is practically impossible, if you belong to the current marketing world, that you have not seen it mention in a large number of places.

You’ve probably also heard the concept of JavaScript , Java or simply JS. But you may not know in depth what it is and even less what its relationship is with web positioning .

In the article below, we will talk about these two concepts, refreshing ideas that you already have and trying to provide you with some new ones.

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Learn about them, as they reflect a growing trend today: the growing relationship between notions and strategies specific to marketing and the use and development of technology and web design.

It is common for a digital tajikistan email list 19452 contact leads marketing company to have separate teams in charge of JavaScript and SEO, as they involve knowlge and present difficulties that are inherent to each. But in the following paragraphs, we will show you the keys to their relationship and the benefits of working on them together.

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The Role of Javascript in the SEO Positioning of Your Site

To begin to see the aspects that relate between JavaScript and SEO, we will first pause for a moment to consider the role that the facebook business manager: discover how former plays in the organic positioning that the latter implies. And for that, it is Javascript and  necessary to precisely define what Java is.

JavaScript is a programming language , like Python, PHP, Ruby, among others, but it happens to be the best known. It is us as a burkina faso leads complement to HTML and CSS for the creation of websites. Basically, what it allows is the creation of interactive and dynamic pages , with elements such as scrolling screens, drop-down content, interactive graphics, multimia maps, etc.

This is what largely makes websites not just static, flat, boring text content.