Genwords presents the 7th Edition of the Content Marketing Study in Latin America and Spain

Advances in technology in recent years have been a key factor for companies when it comes to adapting to new consumption patterns of the general public, both in the administrative area and in the marketing sector.

In this sense, more and more companies are trusting in digital marketing strategies , and are finding in them a real opportunity for growth and expansion in the market.

From generating and attracting new


Customers to retaining existing ones, content marketing has proven to be the best ally for small and large brands.

And although Content Marketing is a sector that is constantly adapting and changing, Genwords has laid the foundations for the current context to help companies optimize their results, improve their strategies and consolidate a loyal and recurring audience.

As part of the research carri out for the development of the 7th ition of the Content Marketing Study in Latin America and list of timor leste consumer email Spain , the support of more than 356 respondents, business leaders and directors was obtain, and interviews were conduct with 12 marketing and SaaS experts in the region.

In addition, we had the collaboration of our direct partners, who contribut from their experience and path of success: Debmia , Nuva, QuestionPro , RD Station and ROCHI Consulting .

With this support, the study is consolidat as a true reference on the use that companies in Latin America and Spain give to content marketing and the importance it has in their strategies to generate and consolidate leads .

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Implementation and effectiveness of Content Marketing

The implementation of a blog on the website is Genwords presents  one of the main strategies for developing content marketing. In this global trends on linkin: what’s trending in the world of work? regard, more than 40% of those survey in the study indicat that they maintain an active blog, with frequent publications.

However, content marketing remains just one branch of the many actions implement by companies. On average, more burkina faso leads than 65% of respondents indicate that content marketing represents a leading part of their strategies, but there is certainly still a part of the market that remains oblivious to it.

In terms of the objectives pursu by companies, lead generation, sales and branding are the main focuses given to their marketing actions. On the other hand, other specific goals also stand out, such as increasing web traffic and conversion rates.

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